Automatic wire stripping machine working principle
 Jul 24, 2015|View:500

The working principle of the automatic wire stripper is delivering the wire by feeding and discharging roller, and then cutting and stripping by the cutting structure.

The general introduction is as following:

1. Wire feeding roller: feeding the wire and strip the head end of wire. While stripping the short wire, it can strip the head and end of the wire (length is less than 50mm), it also could strip the middle parts of the wires.

2. Pressure adjusting wheel for feeding roller: adjust the pressure of the wire feeding roller, when it is pulled and rotated in clockwise direction, the pressure of feeding roller is increased; when it is pulled and rotated in counterclockwise direction, the pressure of the feeding is decreased.( The pressure is adjusted as per the strength of the wire)

3. Adjusting wheel for the gap of the feeding roller: adjust the gap between the wire feeding roller, gap will be increased while rotated in the right and the gap will be decreased while rotated in the left. (the gap is adjusted as per the diameter of the wire)

4. Wire discharging wheel: it deliver the wire and strip the end of the wire ( it doesn’t work while stripping the short wire, the gap between the discharging wheels should be the max. distance)

5. Pressure adjusting button for discharging roller: It adjusts the pressure of the discharging roller, when it is pulled and rotated in counterclockwise direction, the pressure of discharging roller is increased; when it is pulled and rotated in clockwise direction, the pressure of the discharging is decreased. ( The pressure is adjusted as per the strength of the wire)

6. Adjusting wheel for the gap of the discharging roller: adjust the gap between the wire discharging roller, gap will be increased while rotated in the left and the gap will be decreased while rotated in the right. (the gap is adjusted as per the diameter of the wire)

7. Cutting frame: wire cutting, head stripping and end stripping. When the machine is stop, the distance between up and down blades should be the max. which make the wire smoothly getting through.

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